Charcoal & Natural Remedies Seminars

Public Health Programs: Medicinal Charcoal & Natural Home Remedies
We accept invitations to speak across North America and are willing to travel internationally.
America: traveling expenses shared. We ask the sponsor to cover lodging and meals and allow us to sell our BOOK. We do not charge a speaking fee.
International: we require an official invitation from your organization to satisfy Immigration requirements. Please contact us for further information.
Our seminars are slanted either to the general public or to professional organizations. We also include a spiritual dimension to our program for religious organizations. Our PowerPoint presentations and hands-on-demonstrations seem to captivate the attention of all kinds of audiences both professional healthcare workers and laymen, children and seniors, parents and singles. The material is simple, the stories are real, and the information empowering.
Our Seminars take two formats:
- Medicinal Charcoal - Its History, Science and Modern Applications (Stand alone program focusing only on medicinal charcoal - 3 to 4 hours)
- Medicinal Charcoal & Other Simple Home Remedies ( 2 separate 3 - 4 hour sessions; one focussing on medicnal charcoal, the other a hands on demonstration of several simple home hydrotherapy/light treatments and poultices for a number of common ailments - audience is invited to participate)
Please Contact Us if you have any other questions you would like answered.
Click to view current and past Programs
Here are several samples of brochures and flyers that can be used to advertize a program for your business, community, church or organization.