What Is Activated Charcoal For?

What is activated charcoal used for? You might as well ask, “What is activated charcoal not used for?” From neutralizing the buildup of carbon dioxide in nuclear submarines at the bottom of the deepest oceans, to recycling the precious air and water on the orbiting International Space Station, and prototype odor bags [“Toot Trapper”] for interplanetary exploration, AND everywhere in between, the unique applications of activated charcoal reach beyond this world.

Activated CharcoalA Charcoal Solution for Every Problem 

Where to begin: quilted activated charcoal cloth for preserving artifacts in world famous museums; tiny spherical activated charcoal beads in kidney and liver dialysis machines for purging sick blood in people and pets; sterile activated charcoal wound dressing for managing hospital MRSA infections; granular activated charcoal for scrubbing radioactive air before it goes up the stacks at nuclear power plants; ultra fine coconut activated charcoal powder used in name brand toothpastes and hundreds of other health and beauty aids; hardwood activated charcoal powder for revitalizing soils contaminated with hundreds of the “forever chemicals [PFASs]; fine-ground activated charcoal, the treatment of choice for thousands of poisoned Emergency Room patients; bamboo activated charcoal powder used in exotic confectionaries and artisan foods in world famous restaurants from Tokyo to Manhattan; large granular coconut activated charcoal for filtering out ‘dirty’ background noise in the most sophisticated sound systems; for precious metal recovery; removing any lingering rancidity, bad flavor, bad taste, or bad odor from fine, cold-pressed virgin olive oil and other fine cooking oils, for removing unwanted color from pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, for treating farcy [Glanders disease] in horses, and scours in calves, and parvo in puppies, and …; athletic gear with spun charcoal fibers for enhancing circulation and controlling body odor; activated charcoal is strong enough to stop the spread of brown recluse spider venom and gentle enough to treat baby colic; the use of ‘inexpensive’ hospital grade activated charcoal in ongoing research in the prevention and treatment of Covid and the Alzheimer’s/dementia complex… the list goes on and on.

Whether taken internally [capsules, tablets, powders, foods, drinks], applied directly to the skin [pastes, creams, soaps], used topically [baths, poultices, bandages, clothing], you'll discover hundreds of benefits to this amazing, all-natural substance. For those who long for a healthier, more active life, while slowing the aging process*, there are few other natural products that can supplement a compromised immune system in detoxifying the body and recovering one's health in so many ways.


In the various product descriptions, in our Educate Me section, and Blog articles, we detail many of the uses of activated charcoal, so that you'll have a better understanding of the benefits to your health, the health of your family, and even the health of your pets! The activated charcoal that we sell for human consumption is made from USP food-grade coconut activated charcoal and packaged as tablets, capsules, and powder. This gives you the options to choose exactly the products that will work best for your needs.

Activated Charcoal ProductsActivated Charcoal Uses for All Ages

From treating colic in babies to diabetic ulcers in seniors, the uses of activated charcoal spans all ages. From birth, it will ease the discomfort of an upset tummy and ear infections, and then treat insect bites and abrasions as the child grows. Best of all, you can rest assured that you are using one of the safest natural remedies available today [FDA Category I].

If you'd like to learn more about the uses of activated charcoal, take a tour through our storefront, where you'll see exactly what we have available and the uses of each product we carry. You will also benefit from reading a few of the books that we have available for purchase, which give detailed information on activated charcoal and its long history.

Purify your home, your health and beauty, your animals and gardens – Purify Your World®

* Activated charcoal magnetizes free radicals and other aging compounds so your skin can breathe, and your face can shine.




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