Bamboo Activated Charcoal Powder – Beauty and Cosmetics

Our favorite among our charcoal powder line for the use of cosmetic products. Made from select 100% Virgin Bamboo. This Activated Charcoal has a high adsorption capacity for drawing out body toxins and impurities which makes it ideal for cosmetic products such as soaps, facial masks and more. Our Bamboo Charcoal is a preferred choice for cosmetics and beauty products. Its higher density and deep black shimmer make for easier mixing and a glowing finish.

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Use with thickening agents to make gels, skin creams, or face scrubs. Combine with bentonite clay and your favorite essential oils for DIY soap! You can also mix with water to brush and whiten teeth. Find more beautifying recipes online at
Two-Ingredient Beautifying Facial Mask
  1. Aloe Vera Gel (We use Lilly of the Desert)
  2. Activated Charcoal Powder – Beauty and Cosmetics

Simply mix equal parts of each ingredient together until they blend well and make a smooth consistency. Apply to the face and leave on for 20 minutes or until dry. Dampen face and work the mask in a circular motion then wash off and finish with your favorite moisturizer.

FOOD GRADE Premium steam activated charcoal, ideal for use on even the most sensitive skin.

PACKAGED IN THE USA: Family Owned & Operated in Nebraska, Est. 2006

MULTIPLE SACKS or PALLET ORDERS - please contact us for PRICE BREAKS & SHIPPING COSTS (308-665-1566)


Where are the 2-Quart Plastic Jars?

OK, it is that time of the year again when the weather outside gets frightful and the FED EX trucks inside are NOT delightful! In other words, you might have ordered a two-quart plastic jar of activated charcoal from us that we shipped you in a perfect, cylinder jar and it arrives looking like a truck ran over it! What is happening is that when it gets really cold, like sitting in a FED EX trailer in sub-zero weather, the charcoal pulls the oxygen in the jar which causes the jar to twist and bend, and then it releases it but the jar does not relax to its former shape, it just looks like a truck ran over it.  We are waiting on new jars that should not do this so easily, but in the meantime, we are only offering the two-quart GLASS jar.  We apologize for this temporary inconvenience, Happy Winter! 

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This is an Powder Activated Charcoal (PAC) made from select bamboo wood. It is manufactured by a high temperature steam activation process that produces very good porosity and purity. This product is used in the fine chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries.
  • High adsorption capacity and efficiency
  • Excellent color removal capabilities
  • Highly developed pore structure


Particle Size 325 under
Iodine Number (mg/g) 800 - 900
Moisture 5% maximum as packed
Apparent Density (g/cc) 0.43 - 048
Hardness 95% minimum
pH Alkaline
Apparent Density (lbs/ cu. ft.) 20 - 23
Ash 5-7%
pH 6 - 8 typical
Total Ash 3% maximum


All test methods are per ASTM or AWWA protocol.

This information has been gathered from the manufacturer and test data, and is assumed to be accurate and reliable. only warrants that this product will meet the above described published specifications and makes no other warranties of any kind either expressed or implied including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose or application. Buyer assumes all liability and risk that may arise from the use of this product.

Use with thickening agents to make gels, skin creams, or face scrubs. Combine with bentonite clay and your favorite essential oils for DIY soap! You can also mix with water to brush and whiten teeth. Find more beautifying recipes online at
Two-Ingredient Beautifying Facial Mask
  1. Aloe Vera Gel (We use Lilly of the Desert)
  2. Activated Charcoal Powder – Beauty and Cosmetics

Simply mix equal parts of each ingredient together until they blend well and make a smooth consistency. Apply to the face and leave on for 20 minutes or until dry. Dampen face and work the mask in a circular motion then wash off and finish with your favorite moisturizer.

FOOD GRADE Premium steam activated charcoal, ideal for use on even the most sensitive skin.

PACKAGED IN THE USA: Family Owned & Operated in Nebraska, Est. 2006

MULTIPLE SACKS or PALLET ORDERS - please contact us for PRICE BREAKS & SHIPPING COSTS (308-665-1566)


Where are the 2-Quart Plastic Jars?

OK, it is that time of the year again when the weather outside gets frightful and the FED EX trucks inside are NOT delightful! In other words, you might have ordered a two-quart plastic jar of activated charcoal from us that we shipped you in a perfect, cylinder jar and it arrives looking like a truck ran over it! What is happening is that when it gets really cold, like sitting in a FED EX trailer in sub-zero weather, the charcoal pulls the oxygen in the jar which causes the jar to twist and bend, and then it releases it but the jar does not relax to its former shape, it just looks like a truck ran over it.  We are waiting on new jars that should not do this so easily, but in the meantime, we are only offering the two-quart GLASS jar.  We apologize for this temporary inconvenience, Happy Winter! 

Write Your Own Review
You're reviewing:Bamboo Activated Charcoal Powder – Beauty and Cosmetics
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This is an Powder Activated Charcoal (PAC) made from select bamboo wood. It is manufactured by a high temperature steam activation process that produces very good porosity and purity. This product is used in the fine chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries.
  • High adsorption capacity and efficiency
  • Excellent color removal capabilities
  • Highly developed pore structure


Particle Size 325 under
Iodine Number (mg/g) 800 - 900
Moisture 5% maximum as packed
Apparent Density (g/cc) 0.43 - 048
Hardness 95% minimum
pH Alkaline
Apparent Density (lbs/ cu. ft.) 20 - 23
Ash 5-7%
pH 6 - 8 typical
Total Ash 3% maximum


All test methods are per ASTM or AWWA protocol.

This information has been gathered from the manufacturer and test data, and is assumed to be accurate and reliable. only warrants that this product will meet the above described published specifications and makes no other warranties of any kind either expressed or implied including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose or application. Buyer assumes all liability and risk that may arise from the use of this product.

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